This tool allows you to upload a list of species, and work with that list within the Atlas.
Click "Upload a list" to upload your own list of taxa.

Below is a listing of user provided species lists. You can use these lists to work with parts of the Atlas.

4,882 results for all records
List name List type Owner Date submitted Date updated Date uploaded Item Count
Ornamental Snake Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Yakka skink Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Dunmall’s snake Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
White-throated Snapping Turtle Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2
Grey Snake Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Fitzroy River Turtle Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Fork-tailed swift Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Estuarine crocodile Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Oriental cuckoo Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Black-faced monarch Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Spectacled monarch Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Satin flycatcher Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Rufous fantail Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Common sandpiper Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Osprey Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Sharp-tailed sandpiper Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Pectoral sandpiper Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Greater sand plover Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2
Latham’s snipe Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
My species list Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Eastern curlew Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
My species list Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
Common greenshank Other Collins 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 1
treecreeper Other Collins 2024-02-14 2024-02-14 2024-02-14 1
swift p Other Collins 2024-02-14 2024-02-14 2024-02-14 1