This tool allows you to upload a list of species, and work with that list within the Atlas.
Click "Upload a list" to upload your own list of taxa.

Below is a listing of user provided species lists. You can use these lists to work with parts of the Atlas.

7,048 results for all records
List name List type Owner Date submitted Date updated Date uploaded Item Count
Brisbane-Barambah Volcanic_Wildlifelist.csv Other Jane Tsivoglou 2022-05-29 2022-05-29 2022-05-29 182
Briza (Victoria) Other Yolan Berry 2024-11-10 2024-11-10 2024-11-10 2
Briza maxima Other Yolan Berry 2024-11-10 2024-11-10 2024-11-10 1
Briza minor Other Yolan Berry 2024-11-10 2024-11-10 2024-11-10 1
Brown Treecreeper Other Matisse stevens 2024-10-11 2024-10-11 2024-10-11 1
Brush-tailed rock-wallaby Other Matisse stevens 2024-10-11 2024-10-11 2024-10-11 1
Brush-tailed rock-wallaby Other Matisse stevens 2024-10-11 2024-10-11 2024-10-11 1
BRWF Other Collins 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 22
BRWF Other Collins 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 22
BryoBlitz23 Other Collins 2023-10-26 2023-10-26 2023-10-26 14
BRYOZOA Other Joanna Buckee 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 1
BS Other Adam Walter 2024-09-03 2024-09-03 2024-09-03 1
BTF Other Adam Walter 2024-09-19 2024-09-19 2024-09-19 1
BtF Other Adam Walter 2024-10-14 2024-10-14 2024-10-14 1
BTRC Gravel Pit Other Xinyue Zhang 2024-07-17 2024-07-17 2024-07-17 18
Buffel Pakr conservation species - flora Conservation list Danni Cox 2024-07-19 2024-07-19 2024-07-19 7
Buffel Pakr conservation species - flora Conservation list Danni Cox 2024-07-19 2024-07-19 2024-07-19 7
Buffel Park conservation species - fauna Conservation list Danni Cox 2024-07-19 2024-07-19 2024-07-19 5
Buffle Park Migratory fauna Other Danni Cox 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 9
Buffle Park Migratory fauna Other Danni Cox 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 9
Bugs Other James Bennett 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 1
Bungonia Village Eucalypt species Area checklist 2016-05-23 2016-06-14 2016-06-14 18
Bunya nut Other Damon Wilkey 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 1
Bunya nut Other Damon Wilkey 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 1
Burdekin Other Kye Chamberlain 2024-10-18 2024-10-18 2024-10-18 35