This tool allows you to upload a list of species, and work with that list within the Atlas.
Click "Upload a list" to upload your own list of taxa.

Below is a listing of user provided species lists. You can use these lists to work with parts of the Atlas.

7,075 results for all records
List name List type Owner Date submitted Date updated Date uploaded Item Count
Callistemon thermal threshold Spatial portal defined list megan hirst 2020-10-22 2020-10-22 2020-10-22 5
Callitris canescens Other 2023-07-06 2023-08-22 2023-07-06 1
calytrix Other Adam Walter 2024-10-03 2024-10-03 2024-10-03 1
Candlenut Other Damon Wilkey 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 1
Cane Toad Vs Northern Quoll Other Collins 2023-10-08 2023-10-08 2023-10-08 1
Cane Toads Test list Kylie Morrow 2024-07-18 2024-07-18 2024-07-18 1
Canning Birds EPBC and WA ThreatenedPriority Other 2022-01-31 2022-11-21 2022-11-21 18
Cannon creek ALA species Other Collins 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 8
Cape Tulip Species Species characters list 2020-08-31 2022-11-21 2022-11-21 2
Cape York feral animals Area checklist 2016-06-07 2016-06-14 2016-06-14 8
Capricorn Marine Turtles List Other Peter Brenton 2021-09-06 2021-09-06 2021-09-06 3
Capricoronia Marine Turtles Area checklist Peter Brenton 2018-10-16 2019-05-17 2019-05-17 4
Carlia sp Other Shona Elliot- Kerr 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 9
Carnarvon listed species Spatial portal defined list Nicholas Heard 2020-08-25 2020-08-25 2020-08-25 40
Carpet Other Adam Walter 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 1
Carphodactylidae Other Collins 2024-02-10 2024-02-10 2024-02-10 1
Carrickalinga Esturine Fish Species Other 2021-04-20 2022-11-21 2022-11-21 7
Cashew Other Damon Wilkey 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 1
Casp Other Adam Walter 2024-12-03 2024-12-03 2024-12-03 1
Casper Other Adam Walter 2024-11-08 2024-11-08 2024-11-08 1
Caspian Other Adam Walter 2024-09-27 2024-09-27 2024-09-27 1
Caspian Tern Other Adam Walter 2024-09-19 2024-09-19 2024-09-19 1
caspian turn Other Matisse stevens 2025-02-07 2025-02-07 2025-02-07 1
cass Other Harry Dunleavy 2024-10-14 2024-10-14 2024-10-14 1
cat Other Harry Dunleavy 2024-10-14 2024-10-14 2024-10-14 1